Rockets Writing Contest

Congratulations to our 5th annual Rockets Writing contest winners and participants! We had a record 60 elementary students submit a piece this year. Great job to all!!

2022-2023 Writing Contest Winners

Grades K-1

Illustrated Story Winner - Valerie Heitman, Illustrated Story Runner Up - Emma Schulze, Short Story Winner - Mack Ahrens, Short Story Runner Up - Karsen Powers

Grades 2 - 3

Illustrated Story Winner - Molly Kranenburg, Illustrated Story Runners Up - Brennan Axe and Pascale Billing, Short Story Winner - Caine holsinger, Short Story Runner Up - Skylar Ungericht, Illustrated Poetry Winners - Trevor Schmidt and Dawson Lightle, Poetry Winner - Alexis Ungericht

Grades 4-5

Illustrated Story Winner - Max Bales, Illustrated Story Runner Up - Wyatt Dagenfield, Short Story Winner - Mia Ahrens, Short Story Runner Up - Isabelle Moorman, Illustrated Poetry Winner - Robert Cisco-Homan, Poetry Winner - Riley Williams

Congratulations to all students who entered their writing in the contest.  We are so proud of you!

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